IPS e.max®
by Ivoclar Vivadent
“Just cemented a single anterior Empress Crown. I emailed the pictures to Magellan. The esthetics were perfect. Patient was ecstatic. Never had a closer match."
Dr. ADF, Ile-Perrot, QC
Ivoclar Vivadent - IPS e.max®Press/CAD
IPS e.max is a modern and innovative system which covers the entire spectrum of all-ceramic indications ranging from thin veneers to bridges. It includes materials of exceptional esthetics and high strength for the press technique as well as for CAD/CAM applications. The IPS e.max system is composed of a number of independent components. Therefore, you can choose the materials that are most suited to fulfilling the requirements of each individual case. The system includes an innovative lithium disilicate (LS2) material, which is suitable for fabricating single-tooth restorations, as well as a high-strength zirconium oxide material which is designed for producing long-span bridges. The fact that a common layering scheme is used together with predictable shade matching represents a considerable advantage in the fabrication of combination work. A common layering ceramic is responsible for these outstanding results.
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